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Gläce Luxury Ice balls: the latest in high-class drinking

For some people, the brand of booze you drink is just as much of a status symbol as the car you drive. Mercedes, Lamborghini, Geo Metro… Grey Goose, Crystal, Colt 45. Like the wheels you sport, the liquor in your glass shows everyone else what sort of spender you are. Unfortunately, no one besides the bartender can tell what you’re…

When to Name Your Startup

It’s easy when you’re working on actualizing your business ideas to start making infinitely long to-do lists of all the things that you need to get done—and fail to prioritize them right. Unfortunately, these to-do lists are pretty high stakes, so if you don’t attack the right things first, you might find yourself and your…

G, is this a branding strategy?

by Barry Silverstein As a brand category leader, you should be inspirational, innovative, and ahead of the pack. That’s why it’s disappointing to see a leader like Gatorade being a follower. At one time, Gatorade was unique. In the 1960s, a football coach at the University of Florida asked some university physicians if they could…

Tiger Woods and the sponsor spiral

Tiger Woods has fallen, and it doesn’t look like he’s going to get up anytime soon. Ever since word came out about his scandalous off-course activities, the world’s most respected golfer has been stuck in the rough. Gossip rags and humor sites hang on news of every revealed mistress, he’s the butt of countless jokes…

On the warpath with Native American mascots

by Jeffery Racheff Neon headdresses. Gleaming tomahawk axes. Half-naked men covered in war paint – these are not the sights of a Native American war dance. No, they’re staples of American sporting events. Indian images, mascots and logos are ubiquitous at football and baseball games, and there are countless teams throughout the country that use…

Oasis of the Seas: the Titanic times five

In many ways, a cruise is the ultimate vacation. You get to travel, relax in the sun, watch live shows, dance and drink, all within a few steps of your own room. It’s like Vegas on the high seas. And if cruise ships are like hotel-casinos with rudders, then the MS Oasis of the Seas…

Naming and Branding in Downtown, South America

  • About: Naming

I’ve taken a year-long sabbatical from naming to pursue scholarly interests in Quito, Ecuador. Even though I’m here on non-naming related business, I can’t help myself from noticing the peculiar way in which things are named. I’d be remiss if I didn’t report on some initial findings. And so, I welcome you to the world…

Windows 7: what a name!

  • About: Naming

by Eli Altman I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while, but I’ve been tied up. Let’s get down to it. Why is the new Microsoft OS called Windows 7? If you look at the number of operating systems they’ve released, it should be Windows 12 or so. Maybe it’s named for the…

The only good bug is a dead bug

They scurry in your walls and lurk between your sheets. They bite, sting, hiss and squeak, carving holes and grossing out guests. They’re pests. But more importantly, they’re intruders — and for that they deserve to be annihilated. So how do you go about ridding yourself of these vermin? Do you attack with your own…

Wines That Rock: Keith Richards in a bottle

  • About: Naming

by Jeffery Racheff We all know how rock ‘n’ roll sounds, but have you ever wondered what it tastes like? If so, raise your glasses to Wines That Rock, a new company that wants to officially merge the two staples of reckless abandon – music and liquor – into one spectacular bottle. Your tongue will never…